Experienced divorce lawyers in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Aachen, Bochum, and nearby areas in North Rhine Westphalia │ DIVORTIS
IMPRESSUMIMPRINT according to § 5 Digital Services Act (DDG)

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (V. i. s. d. P.)Jochen Simon Brandt, An der Flora 11, 50735 Cologne, DE

DIVORTIS UG (limited liability) law firmHeadquarters: Cologne
Managing Director:Mr. Lawyer Jochen Simon Brandt

ContactAn der Flora 11
50735 Cologne, DE
Phone: +49 (0) 221 292 307 80
Email: info@divortis.legal

Register Number:Commercial Register AG Cologne HRB 121579

VAT Identification Number (§ 27a VAT Act):DE275293969

Professional Title and Responsible ChamberAll professionals working for the law firm have obtained the qualifications to use the legal professional title "Lawyer" or "Attorney" and specialist lawyer titles in the Federal Republic of Germany. They are licensed as attorneys.
Responsible Chamber:
RAK Cologne, Riehler Str. 30, 50668 Cologne, Phone: +49 (0)221 / 9730100

Professional Liability InsuranceLawyers are required by law to take out professional professional liability insurance with a minimum sum insured of 250,000.00 EUR. The details can be found in § 51 BRAO.
Insurance: NÜRNBERGER Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG, 90334 Nuremberg
Territorial scope: Federal Republic of Germany, Europe and Turkey

Professional Legal RegulationsDesignations: Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO), Professional Code (BORA), Specialist Lawyers' Act (FAO), Lawyers' Remuneration Act (RVG), Professional Rules of the European Union Lawyers (CCBE), Legal Regulations for Anti-Money Laundering (GwG), Regulation on Lawyers' Registers and Special Electronic Lawyer Mailboxes
Place of accessibility: http://www.brak.de/fuer-anwaelte/berufsrecht/ (German, partly English)

Multidisciplinary Activities/Professional CommunitiesDIVORTIS maintains cooperation agreements with JSB Lawyer Jochen Simon Brandt, Cologne, DE, and Chlup Legal Services, Lawyer Dr. Richard Chlup, Zurich, CH. Due to professional regulations, lawyers are prohibited from representing conflicting interests (§ 43a Abs. 4 BRAO). Therefore, before accepting any mandate, a check for potential conflicts of interest is always conducted.

Out-of-Court Dispute ResolutionIn the event of disputes between lawyers and their clients, there is the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution upon request at the regional Bar Association Cologne (§ 73 Abs. 2 No. 3 in conjunction with § 73 Abs. 5 BRAO) or at the Arbitration Board of the German Lawyers' Association (§ 191f BRAO), which can be found on the homepage of the Federal Bar Association (www.brak.de), Email: schlichtungsstelle@s-d-r.org. DIVORTIS is generally willing to participate in dispute resolution procedures with the Arbitration Board of the German Lawyers' Association.

DisclaimerThe content of this website was created to the best of our knowledge and with the utmost care. However, no guarantee or liability can be assumed, particularly regarding the accuracy, currency, and completeness of the information. While hyperlinks may refer to third-party offers, we cannot assume liability for the linked content despite careful examination. The responsibility for the content of the linked websites lies solely with their operators; details on the respective operator can be found in the Impressum of the individual website.

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Design of the website

DIVORTIS is a family law firm in Cologne, Germany. We specialize in handling divorce cases for Germans and foreigners (expats) residing in Cologne, Bonn, Aachen, Düsseldorf, Bochum, and nearby areas in North Rhine Westphalia.
Phone:+49 (0) 221 292 307 80
Location:An der Flora 11, 50735 Koeln, DE
All rights reserved Ⓡ DIVORTIS UG 2024